
top of the charts

Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you all about how strong I am in the belief that Christophe Decarnin sure knows how to dress a lady. They might even tell you about how I swear up and down that the man can do no harm. With all this you can only imagine how excited i must have been to see the Balmain fall collection. Well, i saw it, and although i did indeed love the super mini sequin dresses, the rock and roll strong shoulders, and everything else Decarnin, i couldn't help but feel like this season was a series of Balmain SS/09 out takes. Sort of like he designed too much last season and just thought he could create a whole new fall line with the left overs? But that's just one opinion. What did you guys think? Hate it or love it? I myself sit somewhere in the middle...for now at least.

1 comment:

  1. I find your view very interesting. I stumbled across this collection a few days on somebody's blog. My first thoughtwas something along the lines of...how did i miss this from the spring/summer 09 collection. I totally agree with you, I LOVE this collection, but it hasn't added much to last season's wonders...

